Testimony Tips
You are interested in writing your testimony? WONDERFUL!! Writing a testimony can be a very eye opening and moving experience. I would like to share the comments made to me from two of the folks who have written their stories for publication here.
Hi Christine, wow I haven't really pondered the events that led up to my salvation for many years. Thank you for the assignment, it really refreshed my soul and I hope it finds it way into the hands of many who need to hear it.
I really learned about myself when writing out the testimony, and helped to remember when I realized that God was and always is working and active in my life. Thanks for asking me to do it, and I hope that some folks will be touched by His Spirit from reading it.I have included some helpful hints on this page that I found on the 'net to help those who want to write their story but are not sure how to get started.
Most important to remember - this is YOUR story. Write it how you feel led to, not how someone tells you to if you are not comfortable with the suggested style.
Outline Suggestion
This is not the do-all end all, it is just someone's suggestions on how to cover some basic points.
1. Describe two or more things about your life before you became a Christian.
2. How did you learn about the gospel? Include 1 or 2 verses from Scripture.
3. Describe two or more things that are different about your life now that you are a Christian.
4. What makes you sure that you are going to heaven?
5. What makes you excited about living for Christ today and in the future?
And some questions to get you thinking...
How is God working in your life today?
How has the Lord helped you?
What are you thankful for?
How has our Lord answered your prayers?
Have you experienced God?
When you are done....
Email me your text in the body of your email.
I will need to know three things...
Please let me know what name you would like to use and an appropriate description to summarize your experience for the main page - eventually, I will be categorizing these. If you prefer to remain anonymous, just let me know that.
If you would like to include a link for people to email you, please also let me know what email address you would like to use. If you don't want to use your main email address, you can get a free account at http://www.hotmail.com
Happy writing and hope to hear from you soon!