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How the devil uses the liberal media to manipulate society
The Bible describes the devil as the originator of sin. We all know he stays very busy. He appears to have a large mental capacity, and he can be anywhere in the blink of an eye, yet the devil is not omniscient nor is he omnipresent so he requires underlings to do his bidding.
Although Satan has a host of demonic angels throughout the world, there is one area the devil finds himself mostly restricted. Satan and company are spiritual beings, which makes them incapable of acting in this physical realm. This is where the need for human organizations comes in. In the nations where the devil has dictators in command, he can use them directly to control those countries. In the "free world" Satan has found the liberal media makes for a very effective tool for guiding and controlling society.
The liberal media is not only the devil's best device for corrupting human society, it's his most diabolical device. The finger of blame is rarely ever pointed at the liberal media for society's ills. This is because the press is the one who's in charge of fixing the blame. Having the liberal media decide if they're partly to blame for our country's moral decline, is like putting tobacco companies in charge of finding out what causes lung cancer.
If you were to ask Christians who they believe were the leading groups conspiring to bring about the One World Government, many of them would cite groups like the Illuminati or the Trilateral Commission as ones working to bring forth a world government. Conspiracy theories sell a large number of books, and many of these organizations are pro-world government, but I don't foresee conspiracy groups ever gaining the clout to achieve this task. I honestly believe conspiracy theories are just a distraction to draw our attention away from the primary forces that are laboring to achieve the New World Order.
The liberal media will be a substantial player in end time events. When the Antichrist finally does come to power, the liberal media will be tripping over themselves to report his every word. The values that the press currently portrays will perfectly match the values of the forthcoming Antichrist. It will be love at first sight.
The liberal media's final act will be to broadcast the hatred of the Jews and nonconforming Christians. Even today, these two groups are constantly reported with a negative bias. As we draw closer to the tribulation, the negative media coverage will only increase.
When Jesus Christ returns to earth, He'll cast the liberal media into the pit of darkness. In hell they won't be harassed by us Christians so they'll have the freedom to follow whatever news stories they choose. They will be able to cover topics like "Why is hell so hot" or "Does a snowball really stand a chance down here?" I'm sure the liberal media, at that time, will conclude that hell is a racist and homophobic place, and the burning sulfur will certainly be noted, by them, as being destructive to hell's environment.
After watching the liberal media in action over the years, I've detected several of the tricks of the trade used by the press. The following is a listing of their more popular tactics:
The Ranking Of News
Without a doubt the most crafty device the liberal media has at its disposal is the ability to manipulate public opinion by means of judging the value and importance of news. Every single day there are millions of events that transpire in the world, and. the press is the one that determine what news items are worthy of major coverage and which ones are not. The liberal media will immediately give top national billing to any attack on an abortion clinic, however, any attack on Christian Church is left to local coverage.Picking and Choosing
In a step beyond the ranking of news, the liberal media has sole authority to picking and choosing which news stories will receive press coverage. By selecting stories that are sympathetic to their line of thinking, the liberal media can help determine the direction this country will be heading.Preferential Treatment
The liberal media has its friend and its enemies. Anyone that shares the same liberal slant with them is considered to be comrade, and anyone in the conservative camp is regarded as being a foe. The best example of preferential treatment I can think of is how the press treats two high profile religious leaders: Jesse Jackson and Jerry Falwell. The left leaning Jackson has repeatedly proven himself to be a man of grievous moral shortcomings. The godless press simply turns a blind eye to Jackson's transgressions. Even a sex scandal with a former secretary was quickly set aside. Knowing how the Press attacks Jerry Falwell at any chance they get, there is obviously a huge level of partiality on the part of the press.Negative Spotlighting
When something occurs that threatens established liberal dogma, the media reports on this activity so they can alert their counterparts in the various liberal activist groups. (The same warnings are not given for events that threaten conservative thinking.)The Friendly Fool
The best ally the liberal media can hope for is when someone from the opposition does something they can use. If a liberally minded person, like the Unabomber, commits a deadly act. The press can't really do anything with his act of terrorism that would be positive, attacking him would mean attacking their own beliefs. When someone like Timothy McVie blows up a federal office building, the liberal media has the opportunity to turn that action into a high holy day for the pro big government and gun control forces.The Team Player Ploy
Because everyone wants to be part of the establishment, the elite press has been able to win over their enemies by encouraging them to be team players. Through the use of good and bad press coverage, even the most hard to reach people can be altered to a more liberal way of thinking. For example, federal judges when they come to Washington, they're not subject to stand for reelection. These judges are appointed for life. The press by using their carrot and stick approach, have been able to transform Republican nominated judges into "respectable" liberal judges. This has happened several times.The Name Game
This is where the press assigns names to groups that put a pro-liberal spin on them. The abortion issues is a good example. People for abortion are called pro-choice. By using the word choice, this transforms the act from the killing of the unborn to a rights issue. The pro-life folks are referred to as anti-abortion. Anti is a negative prefix meaning against. Because most people would wish be on the positive side of an issue, the negative title puts you at a disadvantage. here are some more examples the liberal media uses to put their agenda into a more positive light: gay rights, new morality, free speech (talking about porn), independent mothers, and judicial activism.Rewriting History
The boldest of the liberal media's tricks is the brazen rewriting of history. It's a process that goes on at a constant pace. If history does not support liberalism, then liberals will act to change history. The Reagan years are frequently targeted by the revisionist liberal media.Comedy
Few people realize how important an influence the monologues of NBC's "The Tonight Show" and CBS's "Late Show" along with skits from "Saturday Night Live" have on public opinion. In late 1992, I remember the pounding George Bush received from all the late night jokes that pointed to a weak economy. After the election, it turned out that the economy was booming at a 4 percent annual growth rate. This news was too late to help Bush who, as we all know, lost election. During President Clinton's second term election, the growth rate was at 2 percent. Did you hear any jokes about how bad the economy is? No, of course not.
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