After the Rapture:
What could possibly be more terrifying than to suddenly realize God has supernaturally removed his true believers from the surface of the earth, and for whatever reason, he has found you unprepared to enter into his Kingdom. The following letters were written by Christians to help instruct, encourage, and guide you through what will soon become some very difficult and dark days. Before you do anything, you first need to fully turn your life over to Jesus Christ. Because it's very doubtful this web site will be around for any great length of time, I highly encourage you to download and save any material you find helpful.
- A Letter From Jim
- A letter From One Of The Missing
- To Those Who Did Not Disappear
- A Letter From Heather
- A Letter From Berean Salmon
- When We Have Disappeared
- To The Broken Hearted
- You Have Been Left Behind
- To Those Who Have Been Left Behind
- Dear Left
- It's Closer Than You Think
- Dear Family, Friends, And Other Lost Sheep
- A Letter From Deanna
- A Letter From Lee
- Dear Husband And Family
- Hello
- Dear Ones
- Dear Loved Ones I
- Dear Loved Ones II
- A Letter From Grant
- Before I Disappear From Earth
- A Letter From Clarence
- Dear One And All
- My Darling
- To Those Left Behind
- Letter To The Lost Sheep
- So You Want To Know
- A Letter From Sherry
- Dear Leslie, Frank, And Everyone Else
- Dear Reader I
- Dear Reader II
- Dear Friends
- Jesus Has Returned
- A Letter From Laura
- Dear Searcher
- Dear Tribulation Saints
- A Letter From Lynn
- Dear Beloved
- Dear Lost One
- A Guide For Those Left Behind I
- A Guide For Those Left Behind II
- To Those Left Behind
- To My Dad And Fathers around the World
- Who Are You?
- To Whom It May Concern
- To My Dear Family And Friends
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