Date setters keep trying and they also keep failing
One logical question all Christians should ask themselves is, "When is Jesus Christ going to return?" When I read my Bible, I run across words like, "For ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." (Mat 25:13) I also read, "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come." (Mat 24:42) I understood Him as meaning, "You're not going to know until I come for you."
Other people throughout history have read the same words of Jesus and have come up with different interpretations of what He intended. They've somehow managed to get around all restrictions against precise date setting. On a number of occasions, by doing so, they created pure havoc. The following is a list of some past failed dates and some dates yet to come.
Nidle explained the passing of the date by claiming the angles placed us in a holographic projection to preserve us and give us a second chance.
The group abandoned their second coming prediction when a precursor event failed to take place. The cult's leader said God would appear on every channel 18 of every TV in the world. Maybe God realized at the last minute, the Playboy Network was channel 18 on several cable systems, and he didn't want to have Christians watching a porn channel.
After her May 31 rapture date failed, Agee, lacking the ability to face up to her error, continued her date setting by using various scripture references to pointing to June 7, 14, 21 and about 10 other dates.
An untold number of people have tried to predict the Lord's return by using elaborate time tables. Most date setters do not realize mankind has not kept an unwavering record of time. Anyone wanting to chart for example 100 BC to 2000 AD would have contend with the fact 46 BC was 445 days long, there was no year 0 BC, in 1582 we switched from Julian Years (360 days) to Gregorian (365 days), and just two years later, in 1584 Pope Gregory artificially added 10 days to the calendar. Because most prognosticators are not aware of all these errors in the timeline, any calculations they make are already off.
I believe we will never know the exact day of Christ's return for His Church. Not only because the Bible spells it out plainly, but because it's God's nature to act independently from man's thinking. If He returned on a date that someone had figured out, that person would deprive God of His triumph. When it comes to His glory, God doesn't share the spotlight with anyone.
The return of Jesus Christ for His Church will easily be the most important event in history. The glory of heaven contrasted with our life on earth is like comparing the job of running a hot dog stand with the job of President of the United States.
Finally, when it comes to knowing the general time frame of Christ's return for His church, the word of God is more generous. Jesus forewarned us of a number of events that will take place. When we see the predicted events coming together, we can conclude that time is short. Most of the prophecies will take place during the tribulation. Any forewarning of their arrival would make the rapture all the more likely, because it occurs at the start of the 7 year tribulation period.
If you know of any other dates, that were set for the time of our Lord's
return, feel free to e-mail that information to the above address.