What is a Conspiracy
Webster defines a conspiracy as: the joining together in a secret agreement to do unlawful acts. Christian conspiracy buffs would see the unlawful acts as the replacement of our current democratic governments with one that's autocratic. The vehicle for this action is the formation of a New World Order.
Who are the Conspirators
The conspiracy involves a host of groups. Some of the bigger ones are the Illuminati, the Masons, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-lateral Commission and the Club of Rome. A very high percentage of government officials belong to one or more of these organizations.
Do They Really Control World Affairs?
Even if the workings of these groups are always done clandestinely, you still can prove whether or not they control world affairs by asking yourself some logical questions. The first question to ask is, "If these organizations have men in all branches of government why don't they just bring forth the policies they were put there to implement?" Another question to ask is, "Why do they fight against each other if they're on the same team?" A lot of conspiracy buffs will tell you there is no difference between Democrats or Republicans, because many of these parties' key players hold membership in various conspiracy organizations. I would ask, "If they worked against each other, which they clearly do, how can you say they have the same goal in mind?"
Evidence is Everything
If someone told you something that you found difficult to believe, you would ask that person for some evidence to support their claim. When a speaker addresses Christians and makes allegations that defy common sense, rarely will someone ask for some proof. Today, there are too many cases of hucksters peddling a stories, with the sole intention of selling books and tapes to gullible Christians. It's only prudent to ask the orator or yourself some questions.
Some Good Examples and Some Good Questions
In each of these examples, none of the speakers offered any evidence to backup their assertions.
Why These Speakers Make Their False Claims
Speakers make false claims to receive the praise of men and to benefit financially. Sometimes conspiracy teachers fool themselves into believing false information. If you look hard enough for evidence to fit a theory, you will eventually find what you are looking for. Some evidence may be coincidental or manufactured out of a desire to support a theory, so skepticism can be your best friend when it comes to discerning the truth.
The True Conspiracy
As Conspiracy hunters run around looking for secret groups, the ones doing the real mischief are doing it right in the open. Take a look at the news media. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and PBS are all liberal-controlled organizations. In these networks all of editors are liberal, all the anchors are liberal, and 90 percent of the staff is liberal. What do these liberals believe: They are for abortion on demand, gay right, they are atheistic, socialistic, anti-Christian, anti-family, and they would welcome a world government. It is very ironic, because if Christian conservatives held 100 percent of the top positions and 90 percent of the lower positions in the news media, the liberals would scream bloody murder and call for hiring quotas to balance this inequality out. The situation is the same at our schools and universities. When you realize that only about 25 percent of the population would identify themselves as liberal, in the same way the media would, you should ask yourself, "How did this concentration of liberalism occur?" I believe Satan did his planning well by getting people of his same mind into these positions. The devil, by having these people in control of the media, can steer the country down whatever path he chooses.
Playing into the Devil's Hand
There are too many wild goose chases by Christians, who are always trying to figure out what this secret group is scheming or what connection this personality has to a conspiracy organization. When they compile this information and share it with others, it does no good because it's baseless. It does harm by causing nonchristians to think we Christians are wacko. Lately, Satan is using the fears of conspiracy addicts to further his own goals. Those who bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City gave support to the media, and they created a growth industry for federal agents.
Reporters in Sheep's Clothing
I have seen several examples of how the news media are using the militia movement to advance their own agendas. A militia group would be approached by a news reporter, who appears interested in what their movement is about. The proud militia member would show off his guns, his survival gear, and maybe give a live demonstration of him and his fellow members out training. The militia member is happy to have the attention that the national coverage will give him, so it seems a good deal. That is, until the media returns to New York and puts their spin on the footage shot. After the final cut and the reporter's voice-over are added, you would think the story was about the Third Reich. The story is not a documentary about the militia movement, which is what the foolish militia members thought the visit was about. Instead, it airs as a call for more federal protection against dangerous hate groups. How ironic that the very thing the militias organized to stop, they, with the aid of the press, end up promoting.
Wrestling Not Against Flesh and Blood
Paul said in Eph 6:12, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers...in high places." Too much time is being spent on combating earthly organizations. We should really be focusing more of our energy on the powers behind the powers. When Daniel spoke with the angel in Daniel chapter 10, the angel talked of being in battle with the prince of Persia. This was the current government that ruled the land. The angel then said, "The prince of Grecia shall come," and the Grecian Empire did come after the Persia Empire. Both had a prince or demon over them, and through our prayers we are able to aid the forces of good in combating them. When The Church of Jesus Christ is removed from this earth in the rapture, demonic forces will rush in like a tidal wave. It would be very wise of us to be ready for our Lord's return, because anyone left behind would be unprotected from the devil's horde.
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